About Us
Who Are We?
We are a large Parish, Geographically and Numerically at the Northern Coastal Periphery of the Diocese of Brisbane.
We have people of diverse Anglican Traditions, however an Anglo- Catholic view prevails.
We accommodate a broad spectrum of Worship styles.
We have an energetic and enthusiastic Youth and Children's Ministry team.
How To Find Us
Our largest centre is Christ Church, located at the corner of Woongarra and Maryborough Streets, Bundaberg.
The Parish Office is on site and is open from 9am to 1pm weekdays for enquiries.
Parish Office Phone: (07) 4151 3128
Email: admin@bundaberganglican.org
Clergy & Staff
Priest-in-charge : The Reverend Kate Ross
Rectors Warden: Mrs Barb Taylor
People's Wardens: Ms Jo Leveritt
Mr Jeff Lennox